01 -
Blend the freeze-dried raspberries to make fine powder. Sift this into most of the sugar (about 2/3 of it), toss out the seeds, then whisk everything together.
02 -
Sprinkle your puff pastry with the remaining sugar and roll it out. Next, flip it over, coat it with the raspberry sugar mixture, and roll the pastry out to roughly 13 by 14 inches.
03 -
Layer and fold the pastry like you would for palmier cookies, adding sugar between each fold as you go. Freeze the folded pastry for about 30 minutes.
04 -
Slice the pastry into half-inch pieces. Bake them in a 400°F oven for 8 to 10 minutes. Flip them over and bake for another 4 to 5 minutes until crispy and golden brown.
05 -
After they’ve cooled, you can dip the cookies into melted white chocolate and sprinkle them with some more crushed freeze-dried raspberries, if you like.